Please note that by accessing and using this website, you agree to all of the following terms and conditions.
If you do not agree with any of these terms, please do not use this website.
Article 1
All orders are subject to the approval of the store's order preparer; we reserve the right to cancel, refuse or modify your order for any reason whatsoever.
Article 2
Our goal is your satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with your order, you must contact us within 8 days of receiving your order.
If you are unsure about the products you wish to order, please contact us for advice or information before placing your order.
Article 3
In the event of incorrect or missing delivery, please contact us quoting your order number and we will do our best to help you resolve the problem with your local carrier.
If your order has arrived with items missing;
Please contact us with photos of the delivered package at the time of delivery. We will do our best to ship the missing items as soon as possible, at our expense of course.
If your order has arrived with incorrect items;
Goods must be returned undamaged, vacuum-packed, in their original packaging and per packaging unit.
If you wish to accept the order with incorrect items, please contact us with your order number.
Article 4
We cannot be held responsible for customs taxes, fees, seizures, shipping delays or any other inconvenience caused by national customs offices.
We are not in a position to know all regulations related to customs offices around the world and therefore assume that each buyer is fully aware of the conditions and regulations applied by their national customs system.
Article 5
All customers must be familiar with the customs legislation of their country.
If your order is detained or confiscated at customs, you are responsible for all local customs laws.
If the package is returned to us within 40 days, we will only refund the price of the product.
Shipping costs will not be refunded.
Article 6
If the product is not returned within 40 days, it will be considered damaged and the cost of the product and shipping charges will not be refunded.